thanks you for keeping up with Bully News. |
from 1/09 through 5/09
Look at these amazing Bullfest pics by professional photographer
Please click here to visit her website - aprilziegler.com. See even more photos and a slideshow! You can even purchase any photos by simply contacting her through her site.

Some have asked and Yes -- We welcome donations of baskets for the raffle! If you'd like to donate, please bring
your basket the day of the festival with a list of
what's inside. It doesn't have to be dog related --
any theme will do!!
Thank you! |
2/20/09: Bullyfest '09 Information Announced!

Click Here For Full Information!
2/18/09 Busy & Exciting!!
It has been an exciting time for HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue !!! Along with rescuing SO many dogs and finding SO many GREAT homes, we have had an incredible amount of community interest.
Lots of TV face time ...
HSBR's "Tiger" is currently featured on Comcast's - Pets on Demand "Top Ten Dog Breeds" !!
Meanwhile ... it started last week when Bunny was in living color on the front page of the South Jersey Courier Post. She was promoting HSBR's Bulldog Kissing Booth at the Promenade at Sagemore in Marlton, NJ.
On Feb 12th Bunny, Sophia, Mimi, Wilbur, Killian & Winston were on Fox News ! It was Kiss a Bulldog
Day. The folks from the Promenade constructed a huge kissing booth for us and took it into Center City Philadelphia for this segment. It was to promote our event at the Promenade center. Fox news interviewed Kara and kept cutting
back to our gang throughout the
newscast At the end of the newscast, Bunny had a spot at the news anchors' desk and shared kisses with all of them !
After that is was a rush to another TV station for "The Ten Show" , where a popular Philly radio guy, John DeBella featured Winston (who needs a home), RAVED about Bulldogs and RAVED about HeavenSent, and invited everyone to come to the Promenade in Marlton, NJ on Sat for the Bulldog Kissing Booth ! And OMG they all came !
Click on this link to see tons of pics of our great day !! |
1/21/09: HELP NEEDED!
We NEED Volunteers with Grant Writing Experience!
Can You Help??
If you can, please, please contact us at HSrescue@aol.coom. |
1/16/09: Sophia Update On Under Our Wing!
1/15/09: New Bully Under Our Wing
1/15/09: Valentine's Day Bulldog Kissing Booth!
Saturday, February 14, 2008. 11am - 2pm
The Promenade at Sagemore
Route 73, Sagemore Drive
Marlton, NJ
We need volunteers to help & general support! |
1/6/09: Cutter's Mill Dates for 2009 - Cherry Hill & Princeton!
HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue will be at Cutter's Mill, the Natural Pet Place, in both Cherry Hill and Princeton, one Saturday of every month throughout the rest of 2009!
Rescued bulldogs may be making special appearances! Join us for information on bulldogs, adoption and general tips and advice. T-shirts and other merchandise will be available.

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