What I Did On My Summer Vacation...

School is starting, but now it's time to share those summer memories and show us the neat things you did on summer vacation! Hiking, camping, swimming , BBQing or just laying around in the AC watching movies? Send us a photo and show off your bully! When this showcase is over your photo will be added to our
HeavenSent Online Photo Album

(new album coming soon)

Open to bulldogs everywhere! Please send your photo to HSrescue@aol.com

Click here to see the
April Showers / May Flowers Showcase.
Ruby, Frankie the Frenchie (HSBR rescues) & Pug Friends enjoy a cruise on the water.
The gang practices water safety.
Ruby catches a few rays on the beach.
Ruby's sittin' on the dock of the bay.
Bubba's down at the docks too.
Bubba, safe and secure.
Bubba loves to fish!
Toby relaxin' at the beach house.
Bebe, beach beauty.
Toby & Tiger at the beach.
Spotty went cruisin'.
Winston wears his shades.
Winston, that might be illegal.
Sascha at the beach!
Biscuit snoozes in the sun.
Mylie and her dad Luke at the beach.
Mylie takes a summer stroll.
Angus awaits the BBQ..mmmm.
Marley out camping!
Bubba visits Cadillac Mountain.
Mick relaxing on the deck.
Your pic here!
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