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$upport HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue When You Shop at Flying Panda Gifts!

When you or other friends of HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue shop at www.flyingpanda.com or order through Flying Panda Gifts catalogs, 10% of your purchases will be donated to our organization, providing us with much needed funds. Just click on the banner; it takes you directly to the Web site where you'll find many unique products for pets and their people.

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Donate while you shop!
How is that possible?

It seems too good to be true, but it really is that good and and it really is true! All you have to is join iGive.com through our special HeavenSent link. It is completely free -- no strings attached! Before you start shopping at all of your favorite online stores you just need to use your iGive shopping window or an igive.com link and, unbelievably, up to 26% of your purchase price will be matched by the stores you shop at . Then shop as usual. That money goes directly to HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue!!

Click here to join iGive

As a member you'll also recieve all sorts of offers for extra discounts and stuff like free shipping. It almost seems silly not to join! You'll feel a little bit better about splurging on those new shoes and everyone benefits!

Some iGive stores you probably already shop at:
.. and that's just to name a few! There's well over 600 stores with more added every day!

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Our website design and management are donations from April Robin Designs.