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HeavenSent Happy Tails

All of the Bulldogs you see here have found their forever homes through the hard work of HeavenSent volunteers. Some you may recognize if you've already taken the time to look through the rest of our site.
You can also visit our Petfinder Happy Tails page here.
We sure do hope to continually be adding more. Here they are -- in no particular order.
Don't forget to visit our HeaventSent Photo Album to see pics from Bullyfest and from various other occasions. Enjoy!

HAPPY TAILS IS GETTING A NEW LOOK. If you sent in a picture recently and it has not been added,
rest assured that it will be included in our new gallery format. Thank you for your patience!

© Copyright 2006 - 2010, HeavenSent Bulldog Rescue. All Rights Reserved.
Permission must be granted for publication in whole or part. | Read Legal.
Our website design and management are donations from April Robin Designs.